
Eco-Friendly HVAC Tips: A Practical Guide to Going Green in Winter with Sierra Aire
Going Green in Winter: A Humorous Take on Eco-Friendly HVAC Practices Introduction: When it comes to going green in the winter, opinions...

A/C Repair Sacramento / A/C Installation Sacramento during Covid-19 and people working from home.
This is something I wrote in 2021- Since March 2020 my work really hasn’t changed during Covid-19 except for wearing a mask. Some people...

Conflicts of interest working in the HVAC Industry. Twice a year A/C maintenance, is it worth it?
I’m gonna give you a real short answer then some details to think about. As long as you are able to change the air filter every 1-3...

Tales from a tech. So I’m working on a rooftop AC when a swarm of yellow jackets starts to attack
Once a month in the summertime you may notice me working on a rooftop Air Conditioning unit seemingly on drugs as I frantically spray the...

Tales from a tech. So I’m working on a rooftop AC when a swarm of yellow jackets starts to attack
Once a month in the summertime you may notice me working on a rooftop Air Conditioning unit seemingly on drugs as I frantically spray the...

Are Tune Ups profitable for HVAC companies?
"If you go to a car dealership don't be surprised if they try and sell you a new car" Most Bi Annual Maintenance programs are a loss...

Landlords And Tenants- The 16x20x1 Pleated Elephant In The Room
95% of required maintenance for Air Conditioners and Furnaces is changing the air filter on a regular basis and spraying off the A/C...

What I like most about my job
I’ve Been in the HVAC industry doing A/C repair in the Greater Sacramento area now since 2008. For the majority of that time I’ve worked...

My Favorite Older Furnace / AC, the Trane/ American Standard Package Unit.
If I were to pick one Furnace/ Air Conditioner that seems to be built the best it would be the Trane/ American Standard package unit. I...

Wow you made my day- Customer made me a sandwich
I just wanted to take a moment to say my appreciation for every customer that has kept me in business by choosing Sierra Aire out of all...