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A/C Repair Sacramento / A/C Installation Sacramento during Covid-19 and people working from home.

This is something I wrote in 2021-

Since March 2020 my work really hasn’t changed during Covid-19 except for wearing a mask. Some people have been more timid about having strangers in their home so that would bring a reduction in business. On the other hand many people are working from home more so people are running their HVAC equipment more. Overall I think they both balanced each other out so my work load stayed more or less the same during the pandemic. I’ve been asking my customers how Covid-19 has changed their work life and I think it's interesting what I'm told. I’ve drawn some conclusions after speaking to about a thousand people or so over the past year and a half. A/C Repair Sacramento is still something that people need especially since people are home all day. A/C Installation Sacramento has also been in high demand for the same reasons however there does seem to be some supply issues with new equipment. This is also the first year where there has been supply issues with the older R-22 so it seems many people are opting to replace their older Air conditioners VS doing A/C Repair Sacramento.

-If there are two people working in a household at least one is able to work from home

-Productivity from employees is more or less the same and in some cases better from people working from home.

-Most people are not going back to the office and working from home seems to be the new way of working for those who have the ability to work remotely.

-Some people are going back to work but only one or two days a week vs every day.

-Companies are downsizing their commercial Real Estate footprint.

-Government workers seem to be more likely to be asked to go back to work.

-Most people are getting at a minimum of 1 ½ hr. to 2 hrs. a day back that they would have spent getting ready for work and commuting.

-Working from home is allowing people to get dogs since they are home all day.

-The main reason people miss going to work is for social reasons or to escape a chaotic home life.

-Management is more likely to prefer the office environment. I think this is because it's a lot harder to micro manage remotely.

-Traffic has significantly gone down at all hours of the day. This is great for me since I’m all over the map at all hours of the day.

-Very few professionals have lost their Jobs. If you worked at an office before Covid-19 it seems that overall you kept your job.

It’s easier for homeowners working from home to schedule home services like A/C Repair Sacramento. No need to take the day off of work, usually it’s just a matter of being there to let me in and do my work. And on that note if there is a big job like A/C Installation Sacramento it's so much easier for the homeowner to schedule since they are already home rather than having to take two days off from work when they are required to go into the office.

In conclusion Covid-19 has permanently changed the work environment. It doesn't seem that we will ever go back to how things were before. For public health reasons If there is another pandemic then the transition will be a lot smoother. And since people are working from home there will be less transmission overall of all types of flu and disease. People have more time to spend with their families and pets. People are driving less so that's great for the environment. Of course there are many downsides also but I'm gonna try and keep this post positive ;)

One negative thing I’ve noticed in my industry while doing A/C Repair Sacramento is the quality of parts seems to have gone down. I’m more likely to put in parts like a new condenser fan motor and find it to be defective after installing it. Unfortunately parts aren't tested by the manufacturers for quality. But the good news for the consumer is that if there is a problem with a part I usually know as soon as I install it or soon thereafter. Also the parts have a one year warranty on parts and labor / A/C Installation Sacramento has also been negatively affected with a reduction of quality overall. It seems like there are more units being installed that are breaking down than before. So if you need a new system I would say wait until the supply chain issues are resolved which could take another year or so.

If you are in need of service or repair please call 916-671-5542

For do it yourself A/C maintenance tips check out this link


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